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SHIMRAN has been the culmination of many years of research by me into effective ways to maintain health and balance and naturally combat the ageing process through helpful supplements and natural, gentle supportive beauty treatments based on pure plant extracts, essential oils and botanicals plus the amazing healing and regenerative powers of flower essences and homeopathy. If well being, maintaining glow energy and zest for life is your goal then Shimran is the right company to keep.


Beauty is not skin deep. Beauty goes beyond. A beautiful mind is one that is open and not afraid to discover. Our publications are specially selected to offer you much food for thought. From the spiritual words of wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita and "Faith in the Future" to the spontaneous seas of adventure with Chas from Tas, SHIMRAN will tantaslise your mind. Step out of the mundane and into the magical. 
My background is in publishing and I have been privileged in my career as a publisher and literary agent to work with some of the foremost pioneers and voices in natural health. SHIMRAN is uniquely placed to offer a remarkable combination of pioneering treatment products and supplements developed by highly creative mavericks and thinkers in the field of health creation.


Let me now introduce my business partner in Shimran Clare G Harvey.  Clare is a bestselling author in the field of natural health and a pioneer in the healing world of flower essences.  Clare also works as a literary scout for my agency finding celebrity authors in the fields of health, cookery, and self help for the list.


Clare has a remarkable background and holds the unique position of  being trained by her grandmother who was herself taught by the world pioneer of flower essences Dr  Edward Bach  and her work with the unique properties of orchid and flower extracts has taken her to explore the traditions of indigenous communities all over the world including Asia, South American, Peru,  Australia, India . A Harley Street Complimentary Medicine Consultant Clare has advised the natural health sector, such as Wholefoods & the Nutri Centre/Tesco and Neals Yard for many years.


Clare's innovative Skincare Range "Spirit of Beauty" sprung from her wish to be able to give woman a wonderful gift, she created the first  flower essence skincare range to be inspired and sourced from the essences drawn from specific Orchids & exotic blooms, originating from the jungles of the amazon raninforest and the wilds of southeast Asia, designed to call to a woman's innate inner beauty. Synergistically formulated not only to balance and regenerate the skin  but to encourage  a woman to discover her inner beauty, feel empowered, truly fabulous and be as natures intended, “totally unique”


Susan Mears; Founder and Co-Director


Susan Mears; Founder and Co-Director

Clare G Harvey; Shimran Business Partner

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